LIB 410:

This collection was completed with knowledge obtained in Kate Thornhill and Michele Pflug’s Humanities Data Management class (LIB 410) during spring term of 2023.

A Special Thank You:

For Kate Thornhill and Michele Pflug,

We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible support and guidance throughout our journey in creating our first digital collection. Your expertise, enthusiasm, and unwavering dedication to our learning experience have truly made a lasting impact on all of us.

Kate, as our class instructor, you have been an invaluable source of knowledge and inspiration. Your passion for digital humanities and libraries is infectious, and it has sparked a newfound love for these fields within each member of our group. Your ability to explain complex concepts with clarity and patience has been instrumental in our understanding of the subject matter. We are grateful for the time and effort you have invested in us, empowering us to explore new avenues and develop valuable skills.

Michele, as our TA, your support and assistance have been indispensable. Your attention to detail and commitment to our success have been truly remarkable. Your guidance throughout the process of creating our digital collection has been invaluable, and we are incredibly grateful for the time you have spent reviewing our work, providing insightful feedback, and helping us refine our ideas. Your expertise and dedication have played a significant role in shaping our project and ensuring its quality.

Together, your combined efforts have nurtured an environment of creativity, collaboration, and growth. You have challenged us to think critically, pushed us to explore new possibilities, and encouraged us to reach beyond our perceived limits. Your mentorship has not only helped us develop practical skills but has also instilled in us a deep appreciation for the importance of digital humanities and libraries in the modern world.

We are truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from both of you. Your guidance has not only shaped our understanding of this subject but has also inspired us to pursue further exploration in the field of digital humanities and libraries. Your commitment to our education and your unwavering support have made a profound impact on each member of our group, and we will carry the knowledge and experiences gained under your guidance throughout our future endeavors.

Thank you once again, Kate and Michele, for everything you have done for us. We are deeply grateful and honored to have had the chance to work with such exceptional educators. Your contributions to our growth and development will be cherished and remembered for years to come. We Also like to extend our appreciation to all other wonderful Librarians who were pinnacle in supporting and creating this course.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Claire Matucan, Daveena Williams, Regan Robinson, and Jackson Scharf

Our Collection:

Asian Heritage in Oregon Throughout History is a digital thematic collection created by Regan Robinson, Daveena Williams, Jackson Scharf, and Claire Matucan. Our digital collection focuses on the immigration of Asian populations to Oregon from 1850 to 1980, with a focus on primary sources to help narrate the important and complex story of Asian immigration during a century of turmoil for these populations in America. Included in our collection are photographs, letters, artifacts, art, legal documents, newspaper articles, and more to formulate a thematic and chronological history of these vast and diverse populations within Oregon. We consciously chose to focus on a more broad population as we feel it’s important to acknowledge the histories of all Asian communities as important historical events rooted in racism and xenophobia had massive effects on Asian populations in particular. We seek to shed light on these events and their impacts on the work and lives of the populations in which we are researching. The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act was an extremely important event impacting Asian communities in Oregon and internationally. The act initiated an absolute 10-year ban on immigrants coming from China, despite this, the act has had massive impacts on all Asian immigrants due to racism and prejudice that targeted all Asian populations. With this project, we hope to shed light on these underrepresented populations and their contributions to culture and the overall development of Oregon as many of the Asian immigrants that arrived here worked in mines, factories, and assisted in the growth of cities across the state.

Roles & Responsibilities:

Claire Matucan was our Project Manager, responsibilities included helping coordinate group work and progress for the digital collection by overseeing group communication via Teams, schedules, and initiates group meetings online and in person. Additionally, she ensures the quality of work submitted by the group for the digital collection.

Daveena Williams was our Metadata manager which includes facilitating object cataloging within our digital archive. Ensuring all objects follow the project’s metadata application profile. She also was in charge of metadata quality review; making final decisions about how objects are described and standardizing all data entry based on CollectionBuilder’s metadata requirements.

Regan Robinson took on the role of Object Preservation Manager for this project. She is responsible for overseeing the organization of the digital files the group is working with and maintaining the readability of the file naming standards. Once CollectionBuilder is introduced, she will also manage the objects that will enter the collection based on their format and the format requirements set by CollectionBuilder.

Jackson Scharf was our Collection Development Manager, and has been responsible for the evaluation of file formats and copyright and licensing. The Collection Development Manager was responsible for the evaluation, and final selection of objects in the collection, as well as a written description of the collection. Jackson has mostly been working to ensure that we are obeying US copyright law, and are appropriately labeling our objects with the proper rights statements.


The objects used in this collection were sourced from several GLAMs including:

Harmful Content Statement:

This collection may contain content that could be considered offensive or difficult to view for some audiences. Our collection aims to administer a truthful account of the history of Asian communities in Oregon. As a result may contain some images and texts implying racism, segregation, and oppression of minority groups, many of the materials presented may reflect outdated, biased, and offensive information.

Ownership of Data:

Ownership, we do not own any of the objects included in this collection. All objects are owned by their respective repository source. Objects used are allowed with educational use in mind.

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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Technical Specifications
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