The Oregon Forestry Industry

Equipment and lifestyle of laborers in the 19th and 20th centuries

About the Collection

Elena Perez, Project Manager, is responsible for overseeing project activities, leading communication, coordinating preparation for various tasks, and more. While in this role they have done a great job of organizing the group and managing our communication. They have also led the group in planning our project and making sure we are staying up to date with due dates and assignment details, and have served as a main point of contact between both Kate and Michelle when questions or uncertainties arise. Given that we do not have a Repository Manager, they have also taken on the main role of finalizing the DMP and data documentation. If Elena were to leave the project, their responsibilities would be allocated amongst other team member until the position is filled. The Collection Development Manager will take on the main role of communication and the Object Preservation Manager would become responsible for managing project related tasks.

Mattie Lucero, Collection Development Manager, is responsible for facilitating the object collection process, selecting the objects we organized in our collection, double-checking copyright and licensing status of all objects, and more. As our CDM, Mattie has helped to develop and organize our inventory lists and helped to coordinate details related to object storage. They have also helped collect objects and narrow our project topic based on the objects we have gathered. They also helped to develop our site homepage and worked with other team members to ensure that all formatting matched MAP standards. If Mattie were to leave the project their various responsibilities would be absorbed by the Object Preservation Manager and the Metadata Manager until the position is filled.

Cecelia Staggs, Object Preservation Manager, has helped to plan and organize the project storage spaces, established file naming standards, and decided on the objects to be included in the collection based on formatting restrictions. In addition, they worked with the Metadata Manager to quality check MAP standards, and then uploaded all objects to the group repository, ensuring that they all appeared on the site with the proper metadata. They also worked to complete the repository so that interested viewers can understand how to navigate our GitHub and how we developed our site. If Cecelia were leave to the project, their responsibilities would become shared between the Metadata Manager and the Collection Development Manager until the position is filled.

Isabelle Dana, Metadata Manager, has helped to organize our inventory list, decide on the metadata included in our MAP profile, facilitated object cataloging, and carried out metadata quality reviews. They also helped to complete any missing information in our MAP and uploaded all metadata to the group repository. In addition to fulfilling these responsibilities, Isabelle has taken on responsibilities from the Repository Manager role and has taken all meeting notes and recorded any decisions we have made related to the project, as well as helped to troubleshoot issues with CollectionBuilder. If Isabelle were to leave the project, these responsibilities would be allocated between the Project Manager and the Object Preservation Manager.

Description, Our digital collection thematic research topic is focused on the forestry industry in Oregon in the 19th and 20th centuries. We chose this topic because forestry is an important part of Oregon’s history and economy, as the state is still one of the top producers of lumber in the United States today. This collection focuses on the workers who help run this industry, with photographs depicting men at work, maps of worker camp sites, as well as the tools and machinery they used to process and transport lumber collected from different GLAMS. By collecting these digital objects together, we hope that viewers can get a glimpse into the day-to-day lives of loggers and forestry workers in Oregon.

LIB 410, Humanities Research Data Mangagement, Spring Term 2023

Instructor, Kate Thornhill

Graduate Educator, Michele Pflug


Thanks, We would like to thank Kate Thornhill and Michele Pflug for their amazing support and excitement to teach us these new skills. Thank you for encouraging us to play around with all the new technology and that it’s okay if things don’t go right the first time. And thank you to the entire class of LIB 410 for all your feedback and insightful discussions throughout the term that created a safe space for all of us to learn together and helped us grow. And also thank you to Zoom for not working only one time this term, we didn’t expect that level of support from you.

Ownership, We do not own anything in this collection, all rights for objects in copyright are owned by their respective copyright holders, and all rights of objects not in copyright are held by the respository they were collected from.

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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